Personally, I can still see pockets of snow on the ground, but rumor has it spring is coming. I have a few clients in spring clothes shopping mode and have been sharing these shopping tips, so I thought they might be useful for you too.
Spring clothes shopping tips:
- Look for garments that have high quality closures – zippers, buttons, snaps, grommets, etc, so that the zipper doesn’t break before you get to wear the piece until it’s buttery soft. (They’ll also be easier to repair, and most brands don’t bother with high quality closures on cheap fabric.) Originally from Buying Clothes Online & Intentionally [Style Chat Recap]
- Before you buy, ask yourself: “what will I do with this garment when I’m done wearing it?” Will I wear it for many years until it becomes threadbare and goes to be recycled? Or is it something I only want to wear a couple times before reselling? Or do I have a different plan? Whatever the plan is, have a plan when you buy (even if the plan changes). From 2 Tips for Smart Clothes Shopping (it’s time to buy what you’ll actually wear).
- Intentionally define what successful shopping means to you. What are you looking to buy? How do you want it to fit? What is the ideal color or print? Jessie and I talked a little about this topic in this episode of Talking About Clothes. (Here’s the part of the transcript).
- If you wouldn’t buy it at full price check in with yourself before buying it on sale, you may not actually want it.
- If your goal is to buy clothes that fit, and the store has nothing, then buying something out of a sense of obligation isn’t success – it’s just an obligation. Find more about redefining a successful shopping trip in Successful Shopping Trip: you don’t have to walk out with a purchase
- Calculate the ENTIRE price of your clothing purchase. Use the F.U.L.L. price test here.
- Add clothing to your budget with intention. And make sure you include all the bits and pieces related to your clothes.
- Also fit your clothing budget to your clothing shopping cycle. If you shop monthly, have a monthly budget. Shop quarterly? Have a quarterly budget. If you shop yearly, have a yearly budget. If you shop sporadically, (which is what I do), always have a little chunk set aside. Naomi and I talked a little more about shopping rhythms in this episode of Talking About Clothes.
- Keep a running list or what I like to call a pocket shopping list. More on keeping a pocket shopping list (plus a free download) here.
And finally, always remember to ask yourself: if you’re not going to wear it, is it worth buying?
I hope these tips help with your spring clothes shopping! Have fun!