Upgrade Your Style (and get a peek into the process I use with style clients)


Hey, I'm Holly, a style and wardrobe consultant. I work with people like you to bring your clothing into alignment with who you are, and who you feel you are meant to be.

5 Keys to a Cozy and Comfy Costume

5 Keys to a Cozy and Comfy Costume

When it comes to costumes, some people really like to go all out all out – time, effort, expense and comfort be damned. And some people do not want anything to do with a non cozy and comfy costume.  If you find yourself inclined towards cozy and comfy costumes, and also find yourself in the […]

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Podcast Collection 4: Shopping Pre-Covid-19


In this season we’re having conversations about shopping in the Pre-Covid-19 version of normality. These conversations took place between the tail end of 2019 and the first months of 2020. In this season of the podcast, we talk about: loving shopping, hating shopping, dreading shopping, and embracing shopping. shopping seasonally, cyclically, weekly, and hardly ever […]

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Podcast Special Episode: Cleaning Out Your Closet

Talking About Clothes podcast Special Episode: Cleaning Out Your Closet

Below is the transcript for this special episode of Talking About Clothes with Holly Chayes focused on cleaning out your closet (and other emotionally trying, complex, overwhelming moments). You can follow along with the transcript, and listen to the episode in the player (or your favorite podcast app). Or download the episode directly here. Everything […]

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