Upgrade Your Style (and get a peek into the process I use with style clients)


Hey, I'm Holly, a style and wardrobe consultant. I work with people like you to bring your clothing into alignment with who you are, and who you feel you are meant to be.

Affordable, inclusive, customizable, ethical clothing – An interview with Mallorie Dunn of SmartGlamour

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Hello and welcome to Talking about Clothes, with me, Holly Chayes, where I talk about clothes with people who wear them. This is the transcript for affordable, inclusive, customizable, ethical clothing – An interview with Mallorie Dunn of SmartGlamour.  In this special episode of the podcast, I’m speaking with Mallorie Dunn, owner and designer of […]

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Podcast Collection 6: Our Bodies and Our Clothing

TAC C6 Our Bodies Our Clothes Facebook Podcast Graphic

In this season of the podcast, we’re having conversations about our bodies and our clothing. These conversations took place in 2021, and I’m so excited to share them with you!  We talk about all of the ways that our bodies and our clothing interact. From fatphobia to why your clothes never seem to fit and […]

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Easy last minute Halloween costumes with clothes from your closet you can make in a snap

Easy last minute Halloween costumes with clothes from your closet blog graphic

With Halloween flying towards us, it’s time for our annual personal-style-does-Halloween post! Need ideas for easy, last minute, Halloween costumes with clothes from your closet? Let’s go!  If you didn’t already know, I have a degree and background in costume design for theater so have always loved pulling together a good costume (but don’t always […]

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