Upgrade Your Style (and get a peek into the process I use with style clients)

How to inventory your closet: building my simple wardrobe inventory

How to inventory your closet: building my simple wardrobe inventory blog graphic

A little while back I got the itch to build an inventory of my personal wardrobe. I think a good wardrobe inventory is one of the most underrated personal style tools out there. In this post, I’m going to walk you through some of my process for building my wardrobe inventory. I hope it will […]

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2 Tips for Smart Clothes Shopping (it’s time to buy what you’ll actually wear)

2 Tips for Smart Clothes Shopping

Building a wardrobe you love starts with the clothes you bring into your closet. If you fill your closet with clothes you don’t love, you’ll have an uphill battle building a wardrobe you love. With that in mind, here are two tips for smart clothes shopping to help you shop smart instead of hard.  Two […]

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Build a Capsule Wardrobe: 7 quick tips to help you build one you love

Build a Capsule Wardrobe 7 quick tips to help you build one you love blog graphic

I love a good capsule wardrobe, but they can be tricky to build. Especially if you’ve never built a capsule wardrobe, or haven’t built one in awhile. So here are seven quick tips to help you build a capsule wardrobe you love.  If you don’t know what a capsule wardrobe is (or you want a […]

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How to wear clothes you’ve bought

How to wear clothes you’ve bought blog graphic

Ensuring that you wear the clothes you buy comes down to more than just what you buy. Buying clothes you’ll actually wear also comes down to what you do with the clothes you’ve bought. In this post, we’re breaking down how you can treat your clothes after you buy them. PLUS how that impacts your […]

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Love your wardrobe like you love your friends. 15 quotes on love for Valentine’s Day

Love your wardrobe like you love your friends 15 quotes on love for Valentine’s Day blog graphic

What would it feel like to love your wardrobe?  I talk a lot about building and keeping a wardrobe you love. But loving your wardrobe can be a little fraught. We keep a lot of skeletons in our closets.  Last Valentine’s day we talked about love inside & out, being self-conscious and stopping being self-conscious.  […]

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