Upgrade Your Style (and get a peek into the process I use with style clients)

Take time to get comfortable in a new style of clothing

Take time to get comfortable in a new style of clothing blog graphic

There’s a story I heard once, (it may be a complete fabrication, so grains of salt) that the costume designer of Mad Men apparently tells from when they began filming. The takeaway basically boils down to: give yourself time to get accustomed to a new style of clothing. If you don’t know Mad Men is […]

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How to style a bodycon dress when you’re concerned about your belly pooch

How to style a bodycon dress blog graphic

Have you ever had one of those days when you want to wear a bodycon dress, but you’re feeling less-than-ideal about your body? And you don’t know how to style a bodycon dress when you’re also concerned about your belly?  Never fear! That’s why we are here. (And if by the end of this post you […]

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Create A Personal Brand Identity That Works For Your Life

Creating a personal brand identity? The tricky part is not building the wardrobe graphic

I was remembering back to working with a client on creating a branded, personal capsule wardrobe so that she can communicate her personal brand identity quickly and easily in every video call, photo, meeting, impromptu conversation, etc. She’s an entrepreneur with a small biz – this means her personal brand identity and her personal wardrobe […]

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The easiest way to get started with sustainable clothing

The easiest way to get started with sustainable clothing blog graphic

Sustainable clothing, sustainable clothing, sustainable clothing. If I say it 3 times in a mirror, will it come true? That would be awesome. But unfortunately that’s not the key to getting started with sustainable clothing. I saw this question as a mid-year goals check-in sort of question, and thought it would be a good one to […]

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Successful Shopping Trip: you don’t have to walk out with a purchase

Successful Shopping Trip graphic

The TL;DR – walking out with tons of clothes is not the only definition of a successful shopping trip. Building a wardrobe you love is just as much about what you don’t buy as what you do.  I was on a coaching call and we got to talking about the last time this client went […]

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