While there are more similarities than differences between the body shapes, most techniques work for some but not all shapes. However, the suggestions I’m covering in this post work for every shape. Here are the “best” and “worst” dress (and more!) for your body shape (for every shape!). This is a sample from Holly’s Guide […]
How to dress for your body shape with care: the first vital skill you need
When you’re learning how to dress for your body shape with care there is an often overlooked foundation skill that you need before you can implement any of the tactics. We hear things all the time like “define your waist!” and “wear this neckline!” and “don’t wear that!” But before you can make any of […]
Tune into the fit and feel of your clothing step-by-step
In this post we’re covering how to tune into the fit and feel of your clothing. We often talk about clothing fit in the abstract or in a Platonic ideal way. But when you’re procuring new clothes or bringing cohesion to your wardrobe, and developing your personal style it’s important to consider fit from your […]
“Why don’t clothes fit me?” Here are 84 reasons
Have you ever wondered “why don’t clothes fit me”? Or bought clothes that were your size but still didn’t fit? It happens (even though it seems like this should be straightforward enough), and here’s why… Your body has hundreds of precise measurements that are nowhere to be found on your average clothing size chart. When […]
Expressing Your True Self: Being yourself with your clothes with Shehla
Hello and welcome to Talking about Clothes, with me, Holly Chayes, where I talk about clothes with people who wear them. This is the transcript for Expressing Your True Self: Being yourself with your clothes with Shehla. In this episode, Shehla and I talk about developing her personal style growing up in Pakistan. And then […]