Have you ever had one of those days when you want to wear a bodycon dress, but you’re feeling less-than-ideal about your body? And you don’t know how to style a bodycon dress when you’re also concerned about your belly? Never fear! That’s why I’m here. I have 8 hacks to styling a bodycon dress […]
Personal Style
Create A Personal Brand Identity That Works For Your Life
I was remembering back to working with a client on creating a branded, personal capsule wardrobe so that she can communicate her personal brand identity quickly and easily in every video call, photo, meeting, impromptu conversation, etc. She’s an entrepreneur with a small biz – this means her personal brand identity and her personal wardrobe […]
The easiest way to get started with sustainable clothing
Sustainable clothing, sustainable clothing, sustainable clothing. If I say it 3 times in a mirror, will it come true? That would be awesome. But unfortunately that’s not the key to getting started with sustainable clothing. I saw this question as a mid-year goals check-in sort of question, and thought it would be a good one to […]
Successful Shopping Trip: you don’t have to walk out with a purchase
The TL;DR – walking out with tons of clothes is not the only definition of a successful shopping trip. Building a wardrobe you love is just as much about what you don’t buy as what you do. I was on a coaching call and we got to talking about the last time this client went […]
How to remove balls of fuzz from sweaters & stop looking like a disheveled Muppet
“How do I remove those little balls of fuzz from my sweaters?“ This is one of those questions I wish I got asked more often. So I’ve decided to answer it anyway in the hopes that it’s one of those things you don’t think to ask. You know, the ones that look like a pound […]