Upgrade Your Style (and get a peek into the process I use with style clients)

Personal Style

Tune into the fit and feel of your clothing step-by-step

Tune into the fit and feel of your clothing step-by-step blog graphic

In this post we’re covering how to tune into the fit and feel of your clothing. We often talk about clothing fit in the abstract or in a Platonic ideal way. But when you’re procuring new clothes or bringing cohesion to your wardrobe, and developing your personal style it’s important to consider fit from your […]

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What does confidence in your personal style look like?

What does confidence in your personal style look like? blog graphic

We talk a lot about confidence when it comes to your personal style. But it’s one thing to talk about having confidence in your personal style and it’s another thing to recognize, identify, and cultivate. Having confidence in your personal style looks like… Smiling. Laughing. Glancing in passing reflections. Relaxed Shoulders. Springy steps. Calm and […]

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