It’s true. I don’t think most people are lazy – stylistically or otherwise.
There’s a lot of cultural belief (both stated and implied) that people who don’t look put together, who aren’t dressed well, who haven’t nailed their style, or who haven’t kept it up to date are merely lazy.
And if they “just tried harder” (which usually looks like “went on a shopping spree”) they would solve their problem.
But I don’t think that’s true.
I don’t think the author setting out on a book tour after a period of writerly hibernation is lazy with their style. They focused on writing a book.
I don’t think the new mom emerging as an autonomous individual and regaining a sense of self apart from “mom” is stylistically lazy either. They focused on birthing a new person.
I don’t think the engineer who became tech lead last year is lazy with their style – I think they focused on leading.
In my experience when you haven’t been focused on your style for a while and have gotten into a rut a weekend of shopping can warp speed you onto the latest trend.
At the same time, it also gets you a ticket to the trending theme park. Setting you up for a never ending cycle of shopping and decluttering trend after trend after trend.
Focusing on something other than your style for a while doesn’t make someone lazy. And it doesn’t mean hopping on the “what’s trending” roller coaster is the solution.
A style rut does mean that (when you’re ready to reemerge) spend some focus on your style.
Start by clearing out your closet. Then bring coherence and cohesion to your look. And finally procure the specific pieces you’re missing.
And remember that style is intrinsic, trends are extrinsic.
If it’s time for you to put more focus on your style, consider starting with a wardrobe inventory. The process of taking an inventory will help you get a sense of where you’re starting from.
Upgrade Your Style
(while taking a peek into my process)
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